Category: Uncategorized

  • Concepts of Fabulation

    On June 8-9, the Nordic Fabulation Network held its first workshop in Umeå. This workshop was attended by 26 researchers based in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The focus of the first workshop was “Concepts”, and apart from kicking off the project and establishing a community, we aimed to start exploring the conceptual framings around futures…

  • Fabulation workshop at Nordes’23

    A few days after the kick-off of the “Nordic Fabulation Network” in Umeå, we continued our fabulations some 800 kilometres south, in another Swedish city with a beautiful river running through it: Norrköping. On June 12th, we facilitated a one-day workshop at Nordes, the Nordic Design Research Conference. The workshop was titled “Fabulating Futures for…

  • Welcome!

    Here is where you can find updates, resources, and materials for the Nordic Fabulation workshop series as well as fabulation more generally. This blog will contain news, updates, documentation as well as short updates from organisers and participants of various workshops. More information and updates coming soon!