
Kristina Lindström and Åsa Ståhl

In response to often polarising narratives of how to address planetary and hyperlocal eco-social challenges, this keynote will give examples of designerly ways of fabulating through materialisations, practices, and imaginaries. 

More specifically, Kristina Lindström and Åsa Ståhl will use examples from their work with un/making and particularly from the Un/Making Studio that they started in 2018. The design examples are activated to invite reflection on how imaginaries guide design practices. What do we, if we want to be caring, careful and response-able designers and design researchers, draw on in processes of fabulating and imagining eco-social change? 

Lindström and Ståhl will show how design can move from matters of fact to matters of concern and into matters of care. They will also show what can be moved and made meaningful in design processes of prototypical materialisations. They will do so by relating un/making processes to ongoing living with design that responds to contemporary eco-social challenges.